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Overcoming Blank Page Syndrome

Overcoming Blank Page Syndrome

Finally! You’ve got some time set aside to write. Comfy chair, cup of coffee (or tea), beautiful silence, and a blank white page, staring you in the face. A big, empty rectangle, waiting for you to fill it with literary brilliance. Yep, just you and the page,...
Music to Write to

Music to Write to

For those who know me, it’s no secret that I’m a huge audiophile. Music is my muse, and I often use it for inspiration when I’m in a creative slump. It’s also fantastic tool for getting the brain working in new directions. Some artists and...

Blurbs are hard!

I don’t think I need to tell you how important a good blurb is. The small bundle of words on the back of your book have the arduous task of representing the thousands of words within. It’s no secret that a blurb can make or break a book. After spending...